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A startup has come up with a solution that transforms your outdated TV into a modern one, providing access to over a thousand channels, internet connectivity, music, and hundreds of games

By Bruce Harris, published on 08/08/2023


Are you tired of your outdated TV but don’t want to break the bank buying a new one? Look no further! We’ve discovered the perfect solution that will modernize your TV with over a thousand channels, internet access, and all your favorite apps like Netflix, YouTube, Google, and Spotify.

A promising German start-up has recently introduced the TV Evolution, a small box that can turn your TV into a Smart TV within just 5 minutes. This means you’ll have a connected TV with hundreds of channels, internet browsing capabilities, and the ability to install applications – just like you would on your phone or tablet.

What exactly is this box that provides immediate access to all channels and streaming services?

This is the TV Evolution box, a compact device that easily connects to your TV’s HDMI port. The beauty of this box lies in the fact that virtually all TVs worldwide have had an HDMI port since 2003, making it universally compatible.

Once plugged in, the Evolution TV box acts as a satellite, granting your TV access to all available channels and streaming applications, including esteemed platforms like Netflix and beINSport.

Their ingenious approach involves purchasing thousands of channel and application accesses and then utilizing artificial intelligence to redistribute them to the boxes. The AI they’ve developed allows every connected TV to select and watch any program seamlessly, without any waiting or disruptions, and all at no cost.

This inclusive approach ensures that everyone can enjoy a wide range of programs for a fraction of the original price. The TV Evolution company profits from selling the boxes, while program providers gain thousands of new viewers. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

How does it work?

Setting up the Evolution TV box is as simple as plugging in a USB stick into your computer. Follow these easy steps:

  1. Locate the HDMI port on your TV (typically found on the back or side).
  2. Plug the Evolution TV box into the HDMI port.
  3. Wait for the indicator light to turn on.
  4. Turn on your TV and instantly enjoy free access to channels and apps like Netflix, Disney+, and more.

If you want to use the box on another TV or switch TVs, just unplug it and plug it into the desired TV. It’s that straightforward.

The best part is that the device has a minimum lifespan of 10 years, and since it’s connected to the network, it receives real-time updates for new channels and applications.

PS: The product comes with a detailed user manual to guide you through the setup process and usage.

What exactly does the TV Evolution set do?

In every industry, revolutions occur, like Amazon replacing bookshops and music streaming overtaking CDs.
Now, the television industry is undergoing a transformation, and traditional expensive private channels will no longer satisfy viewers with the advent of the TV Evolution box.
Some even predict that this company’s value could surpass one billion dollars within three years due to its immense potential.
The geek community eagerly awaits the product’s arrival, and for those unfamiliar with the capabilities of the Evolution TV box, here’s a quick recap:
Access to thousands of channels, including prestigious ones like beIN Sports and Stan.
Access to all trendy platforms like Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Spotify, and numerous apps from Google Play or Apple Store.
Enjoy a dozen built-in games on your TV screen for an enhanced gaming experience.
Utilize a web browser for searching, checking emails, and watching YouTube videos.
Quick and easy setup, with the box ready to use in less than 2 minutes after plugging it in.
Compatibility with all TVs, even the oldest models, by connecting it to the HDMI port.
Space-saving design, as the box remains discreetly hidden behind the TV.
Impressive cost savings, compared to the combined expenses of various apps and channels, potentially saving hundreds of pounds each month.
The box is completely legal and safe, causing no harm to your TV.

Is it dangerous? Is it legal?

As previously stated, the box functions purely as a relay, providing access to channels, applications, and the internet. It is not involved in any illegal or pirate access. If the box were not legally compliant, the company would not be permitted to sell it in the first place.

This box is 100% legal and poses no risk whatsoever. Purchasing and using it is well within your rights. If, for any reason, you wish to revert your TV to its original state, simply unplug the box, and rest assured that this action will not cause any damage to your TV.

How much does the TV Evolution cost?

When considering the TV Evolution solution in comparison to purchasing a conventional Smart TV or subscribing to a service from an operator, it proves to be a far more cost-effective option. Additionally, it offers several other advantages, such as the assurance that it does not collect personal data or display advertisements.

As for its pricing, the TV Evolution is currently exceptionally available at a 50% discount for its global release. Instead of its regular price of $99, it is now offered at just $49 until the end of this week. The company has confirmed that there will not be another promotion as substantial as this one. Don’t miss this opportunity to take advantage of this significant discount.

They already use TV Evolution, here is what they say :

“I had been longing to access Stan Sport and watch the Champions League for quite some time, but the subscription cost was beyond my budget. Now, thanks to TV Evolution, it feels like I have the subscription, but at just a quarter of the price. I’m genuinely delighted with this device.”

“On the recommendation of a friend, I purchased TV Evolution to gain access to all the channels, and I must say I am thoroughly pleased. Moreover, my kids are ecstatic to play games on the TV and enjoy movies on the big screen, streaming them directly from their phones.”

“Ever since I got TV Evolution, I rarely use my computer. I can now watch Netflix and YouTube directly on my TV, and when I have guests over, I play music on Deezer. Considering the price, I believe this device is an absolute gem.”

Conclusion: Is it a good idea to use TV Evolution ?

Absolutely! If you desire to unlock your TV’s full potential and have access to all the channels and trendy applications similar to a state-of-the-art Smart TV, then TV Evolution is the perfect choice for you.

With this device, you’ll be able to relish an extensive range of services at a significantly lower cost, making it an excellent cost-effective solution.

The best part is, if you wish to enjoy all these services on another TV set, you can easily switch the TV Evolution box in as little as 5 minutes, allowing you to have a seamless experience across multiple TVs.

How do I get a TV Evolution?

IMPORTANT: Be cautious of counterfeits, as they may lack the same safety standards as the genuine TV Evolution set and may not function correctly.

To acquire the original TV Evolution, simply place an order directly from their official website, as it is the sole authorized seller of this product.

Rest assured, the TV Evolution comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try it risk-free! But act swiftly, as the exceptional 50% discount is only valid until the weekend. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy TV Evolution at discounted prices!

Order yours now before they are out of stock again

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Written By: Bruce Harris

With a strong technical background, Bruce possesses a deep passion for technology and innovation. He keeps a close watch on the latest trends emerging from Silicon Valley. Hailing from California, he developed a fondness for surfing during his upbringing. In his current role as Chief Editor, Bruce leverages his extensive tech expertise to ensure that everyone receives nothing but factual information.

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