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By Bruce Harris, published on 22/08/2023
John has always been a healthy and active man.
He has always enjoyed cycling, spending time with his family, and dedicating himself to his work. But a few years ago sleep apnea and its symptoms have caused a turnaround in his life.
“I always slept well, and I always felt healthy. Now at 48, I never imagined that sleeping on my stomach could have such an impact on my life. Since I started snoring, I can’t get a peaceful night’s sleep. It’s been a long time since I’ve known what it’s like to wake up feeling rested and energetic. I feel distressed, tired and everything annoys me…”
John is not alone in his pain, about 40% of men and 24% of women worldwide are affected by snoring.
At first, John didn’t take much notice. He thought it was just a normal part of aging, or that he was out of shape. But over time, his condition got worse.
Burnout at work, together with sleepless nights and the feeling of being exhausted all the time made him close his eyes for a second, leading him to run a red light and hit a car at 100km/h. The smoke and twisted metal of his car, the shattered glass on the asphalt, and the smell of burning oil are some of the things that he won’t forget.
It was a warning to him – he knew he had to make some changes in his life.
His doctor suggested surgery to help with his snoring and sleep apnea, but John was hesitant. He did not want to go through a painful and expensive procedure.
John’s second opinion took a more holistic approach. Dr. Noah has been establishing his name locally in recent years. He takes pride in helping patients treat snoring and sleep apnea, along with his daily work as a resident surgeon in the university’s department of otolaryngology.
“I knew what we were dealing with,” said Dr. Noah, “and knew precisely what to say to John. Many people with obstructive sleep apnea remain undiagnosed. Often, people may have headaches, feel overly tired, and have difficulty maintaining focus, but often don’t make the connection with snoring. Sleep apnea is simply a condition that many people have never heard of.”
John was one of the first people to try Dr. Noah’s DreamEasy anti-snoring device .
“I was skeptical at first,” says John. “I had tried so many solutions over the years and nothing had worked. But on the first night using the device, I was impressed. For the first time in years, I slept through the night without waking up once. But what really surprised me was that my snoring decreased impressively. It was amazing.”
Can such a device really make that much difference in the life of someone who suffers from sleep apnea and snoring?
“It can and does,” Dr. Noah tells us . “Whether you suffer from sleep apnea, snoring, or difficulty breathing at night, DreamEasy will work for you. My team and I have done detailed studies of several people suffering from sleep apnea and a variety of symptoms, with snoring being the most common. All of these studies have resulted in an advanced, completely customizable mouthpiece device so that anyone who uses it can breathe peacefully while sleeping.”
Are you tired of being tired all the time?
The experts will tell you everything from their personal experiences. Snoring can lead to poor sleep quality, with a subsequent negative impact on the performance of daytime activities.
Here is the simple explanation for your snoring
When we sleep, all the muscles in our body are relaxed, including the muscles in our throat. When this relaxation occurs, the throat muscles prevent air from entering the airway, forcing it through the contracted muscles and causing an embarrassing, irritating sound.
DreamEasy is the universal answer to snoring problems that has helped people everywhere! The thin, lightweight design gently supports your jaw forward to keep your airway clear, so you can breathe peacefully while you sleep.
You don’t have to choose between sleeping peacefully and sleeping comfortably. DreamEasy allows you to do both.
The boil-and-bite adjustment process allows you to create a custom impression of your teeth on the device so that it sits comfortably in place while you sleep. This simple five-minute adjustment process helps you customize your device and (finally) enjoy a good night’s rest.
So far DreamEasy has sold more than 10 million units directly to consumers, even without being sold directly in stores. DreamEasy has run OUT OF STOCK every time new stock becomes available. It is, IN FACT, popular.
And it all relies on word-of-mouth advertising. People much like yourself like this so much that they are posting it on Instagram and telling everyone they know!
DreamEasy has begun to develop something of a cult following, with over 10,000 5-star ratings. Here is what customers are saying about it:
“I have tried just about every device, spray, and medication for sleep aphenia. It was so bad that blood was already coming out of my nose. This is the first device that is really comfortable and the only one that worked in a practical way. It also helps reduce teeth grinding. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO DESIGNED and PRODUCED THIS DEVICE and MADE IT AVAILABLE!!! YOU WILL NEVER KNOW HOW GRATEFUL I AM.”
“So, I’ve been having trouble sleeping for a while. Long term. I wasn’t even sure if it would help, but fortunately, my wife and I have an app that tracks how well you sleep. I can say that since I started using this device, my sleep score has increased significantly. I feel more rested. The molding was easy, simply by following the instructions.”
“I first got a mandibular device about 7 years ago from a sleep specialist to help with my apnea. It cost $4,000, but it was worth every penny to be able to sleep through the night. Unfortunately, this device is aging and wearing out. Instead of spending another $4,000, I tried this device – and it works just as well as the previous one. We just ordered a second one for my wife.”
“This product allows my husband and I to sleep in the same room again. I am no longer sleeping on the couch! I had tried nasal strips and nasal dilators before I found this device, and none of them helped. This dental apparatus was super easy to set up. It took me maybe three nights to get used to it, but my snoring score dropped to 1 !!!! I snored more than 50% of the night, waking up my husband and even my children in another room. I never write reviews, but I had to share how amazing this product is. I recommend it – if I could give it more than 5 stars, I would!”
I have been a reporter for 27 years, which sounds more exciting than it really is. Almost three decades on call throughout the night to respond to breaking news is exhilarating.
It is a job that requires concentration, dedication and focus, but my sleep has been greatly affected by my condition, and the energy and will to do something has been low.
Having recently been diagnosed with sleep apnea and the snoring greatly affecting my life (and my wife’s), John’s story had a great impact on me.
I decided that I needed to investigate DreamEasy for myself.
Seeing the overwhelming number of positive reviews about DreamEasy, I thought it was worth a try. I got on the official website and ordered 2 when they came back in stock, one for me and one for my wife. After all, it never hurts to get a second opinion.
DreamEasy arrived at my doorstep in just 2 days. I was surprised.
As soon as I took it out of the box, I knew I had made the right decision.
This device makes an excellent first impression. It is compact, lightweight, and the instructions for adapting it to my bite are quite clear.
Step 1: Boil a cup of water
Step 2: Place the DreamEasy device in the cup of hot water for 60 seconds.
Step 3: Firmly bite down on the DreamEasy device to create your print.
After following these 3 steps, the device fit in my mouth like a glove. I found it a little uncomfortable at first, but after 5 minutes of wearing it, I stopped feeling it being there, and I ended up falling asleep.
The next morning I woke up and noticed that I felt different, but I wasn’t sure if I had noticed an actual difference or if it was all in my head, but it felt good. The device proved to be comfortable, did not move out of place, nor did it disturb me during the night.
Upon waking up, my wife commented that she hadn’t heard me snore once – it had been years since I heard such a comment. No snoring! No complaints! No problem!
Even so, the next day we decided to use a snoring app that measures sleep quality. The application is based on the sounds we make during the night:
The snoring time has decreased from 1h 48m to only 20 minutes! And the volume was considerably lower.
By the second day, I realized it was real. I slept almost 7 hours (a lot for me, I average 4h a night) and my wife, the queen of beauty sleep, slept 8 hours straight…without hearing me snore, and the app proved it.
When we know that something works, our confidence increases. I thought this was impossible only 6 months ago, but now I always have peaceful nights!
I wake up every morning with much more energy than I have ever had in my living memory. I have clarity, my headaches are gone, my rapid heart rate and night awakenings have disappeared, I can do normal things without feeling like I’m always in a hurry, my resting heart rate and blood pressure have dropped from dangerous levels, I’m losing weight more easily… the list is endless.
Frankly, I didn’t know how abnormal my “normal” was, until I started using DreamEasy and realized how normal should be.
I had a life-changing experience thanks to DreamEasy, and you can too! If you are looking for a solution to snoring and the best night’s sleep of your life, here it is. I never spend a night at home or anywhere else without DreamEasy!
It is currently on sale on their official website for only 49 €.
Of course! I will always use the DreamEasy anti-snoring device to get the best possible night’s sleep without snoring – at home and when traveling. I am glad to have this simple and effective product to combat the symptoms of my sleep apnea, helping me to make the most of the hours I spend sleeping. The advantages are well worth this purchase!
UPDATE: Since DreamEasy appeared online, the furor has been unbelievable, and since then more than 763,419 units have been sold. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in its product it is now offering a 30 night satisfaction guarantee a 50% discount while stocks last. To see if it is still available, click on the button below.
PROMOTION: Now with 50% off and with free shipping for a limited time!
This Innovative Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece Can Help You Reduce Snoring From the First Night
Written By: Bruce Harris
With a strong technical background, Bruce possesses a deep passion for technology and innovation. He keeps a close watch on the latest trends emerging from Silicon Valley. Hailing from California, he developed a fondness for surfing during his upbringing. In his current role as Chief Editor, Bruce leverages his extensive tech expertise to ensure that everyone receives nothing but factual information.
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